External Tools for JDE EnterpriseOne

Jde Rocket
Jde Rocket contains a set of tools that are missing in standard EnterpriseOne toolset. For example Jde Rocket can copy NER (Named Even Rule) from one object to another or migrate versions from one report or application to another. However, more tools are planned.
There are several reasons to use this program, first of all it significantly improves the productivity of the developers or consultants. Also it reduces the number of errors, for example if a NER needs to be written from scratch, there may be many typos and errors during this process so the overall effort to develop the copied NER and test it may be enormous. On the other hand, copying the NER takes just a few minutes.
In case of your interest, please see Jde Rocket's page to learn more.
Jde Analyzer

Apart from this JdeAnalyzer can also show data from tables or views (similar to UTB) but it offers more possibilities on how to select the data (for example date range for a field) and sequence the data. Also the current view setup may be saved for later use.
More information can be found here.

Jde Extract
One of our newest tools is Jde Extract. It can export most of the information about objects in the EnerpiseOne system into a text file. Unlike standard ER print, it supports more object types and exports more information than just the Event Rules - it exports and the forms, report sections, form or report controls, selections and sequencings, table fields for tables and views, description of joins for views, list of data strcuture parameters, info about DD items, list of UDC values and much more. All these are exported with the most important properties, DD aliases etc.There can be several reasons to use this tool, for example for documentation purposes, quality assurance, during upgrades or to identify issues in the development. To learn more, please click here.
Jde Obfuscator
A simple external program that can obfuscate an EnterpriseOne BSFN. Obfuscated code is difficult to understand for humans but not for C compiler, this tool may be used to protect your know-how in C functions.
To find more information and an example of obfuscated code, you can visit Jde Obfuscator's page.